IT Teams Running Security – Is This a Pain Point?

IT Teams Running Security – Is This a Pain Point?

In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, the role of IT teams has expanded significantly. They're expected to not only ensure the smooth operation of technology but also manage the ever-growing complexities of cyber security. For many client organisations and IT providers, this dual responsibility has become a significant pain point. Let's explore why IT teams often struggle with security and how specialised cyber security services can alleviate this burden.


The Expanding Role of IT Teams

Traditionally, IT teams have been the backbone of organizational infrastructure, handling everything from network management to software updates. However, with the rise in cyber threats, their role is often expanded to include:


  • Data Protection: Safeguarding sensitive information from breaches and leaks.
  • Threat Detection: Continuously monitoring for signs of malicious activity.
  • Incident Response: Quickly responding to and mitigating the effects of security incidents.


Balancing these critical tasks with their core responsibilities is a challenging feat. Here are some of the main pain points IT teams face in managing security.


Pain Points in Managing Cyber Security

1. Resource Constraints

IT teams are often stretched thin, handling a myriad of tasks simultaneously. Adding the responsibility of comprehensive security management can lead to:

  • Overwork and Burnout: The constant pressure to address security issues on top of regular IT duties can exhaust team members.
  • Inefficiencies: Multitasking between routine IT tasks and urgent security matters can result in reduced efficiency and errors.
  • Increase in administrative burden: Unless the client and IT provider are clear on what security is, there’s a risk that responsibility for security gets rolled into existing tasks without additional charge.  This means more work, and more pressure, for existing staff.


2. Lack of Specialised Knowledge

Cyber security is a highly specialised field that requires continuous learning to keep up with evolving threats. Many IT professionals, while proficient in their primary roles, may lack the deep expertise needed to tackle advanced security challenges effectively.

Cyber security also requires much more than technical IT skills.  An effective programme usually combines strong IT skills with legal, operational, risk, compliance, and governance capabilities.  Outsourced IT teams aren’t set up with these capabilities.


3. Incident Response Pressure

When a security breach occurs, the pressure on IT teams to respond quickly and effectively is immense. However, services are often set up for operational failure, not cyber incidents. Cyber incident response is a specialist skill that few IT providers have, and unless clients understand this, it’s possible the clients will simply assume it’s an IT responsibility (without paying). 


Without the right tools, capabilities, and support, this can lead to:

  • Extended Downtime: Delays in identifying and mitigating threats can result in prolonged system outages.
  • Data Loss: Ineffective response measures can increase the risk of significant data loss or theft.


How Specialised Cyber Security Services Can Help

Recognising these pain points, many client and IT organisations are turning to specialised cyber security services to support their IT teams. Here’s how these services can make a difference:


1. Dedicated Expertise

Cyber security services bring specialized knowledge and skills to the table. This includes:

  • Understanding and communicating risk: helping organisations determine where they want to implement security and how secure they want to be.
  • Highlighting mistaken assumptions: Highlighting areas where the client assumes the IT provider will cover security where they likely won’t. 
  • Providing a fresh pair of experienced eyes on the security compliance of the organisation as a whole, not just its technology.


2. Comprehensive Solutions

By partnering with a cyber security services provider, organisations can benefit from a full spectrum of security solutions, including:

  • Independent monitoring, vulnerability assessment and penetration testing: Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities before attackers can exploit them.
  • Incident Response: Expert support to handle security incidents effectively and minimize impact.
  • vCISO: Having a virtual chief information security officer (CISO) on board to drive regulatory compliance and guide your cyber security efforts.


3. Improved workload management

Outsourcing security functions allows IT teams to focus on their core responsibilities without compromising on security. This can lead to:

  • Improved Efficiency: With the burden of security management lifted, IT teams can perform their primary tasks more effectively.
  • Enhanced Morale: Reducing the stress associated with managing security can improve overall job satisfaction and team morale.
  • Improved compliance and billing: Highlighting areas where the client should pay for security work (rather than assuming it is happening) can make sure it is completed effectively and in a way that is fair to IT providers.



Managing cyber security is a critical task for organisations.  It is, however, a highly challenging task for IT teams to address alone. The growing complexity and sophistication of cyber threats make it increasingly difficult for IT professionals to balance security with their other responsibilities. This is where specialised cyber security services come in.


By partnering with a dedicated cyber security provider, organisations can ensure robust protection against threats while allowing their IT teams to focus on what they do best. This not only enhances overall security posture but also improves efficiency and reduces stress within the IT department.


Are you ready to alleviate the burden on your IT team and strengthen your cyber security? Contact us today to learn how our specialised services can support your organisation in navigating the complex world of cyber threats.

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