Data Privacy - a primer for small and medium businesses

Data Privacy - a primer for small and medium businesses

Data privacy is a consultant's dream.  

There are rules and regulations, and they can be different depending on where you are, who your clients are and who you share data with.  

Furthermore, the regulation hits the news with alarming regularity. 

Here's the secret. There are some basic things you can do - today - that will build compliance. Things that will build compliance immediately and at little or no cost.  Sure, there's complexity there, but not for most SMEs and these tips are a great start. 

Our partner organisation, Pebl1, offers audit and compliance on demand.  In their recent white-paper, they outline these as the basics you should look at: 

  1. Someone is responsible. 
  2. Compliance is reported to the Board. 
  3. You have a policy. 
  4. You have a record of data you process. 
  5. You have registered with the ICO. 
  6. You share your privacy notice with individuals. 
  7. You have contracts with suppliers. 
  8. You perform data protection impact assessments. 
  9. You have incident procedures. 
  10. You have a register of data subject requests. 
  11. You train employees. 
  12. You have safeguards for international transfers. 

If you want to check your data privacy is up to scratch for free, just go to Pebl1 here and follow the prompts for a free report. 

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